Unit 6 - Political economy of knowledge production and decolonising research

Core Reading Materials

Additional Reading

Political Economy of Knowledge Production 

  1. Fine, B., Johnston, D., Santos, A.C., Van Waeyenberge, E., 2016. Nudging or Fudgning: The World Development Report 2015, Development and Change, 47(4), pp. 640-663. Available at: https://eprints.soas.ac.uk/21949/1/wdrnudgedd%25281%2529.pdf (link)
  2. Šūmane, S., Kunda, I., Knickel, K., Strauss, A., Tisenkopfs, T., Rios, I. des I., Rivera, M., Chebach, T., Ashkenazy, A., 2018. Local and farmers’ knowledge matters! How integrating informal and formal knowledge enhances sustainable and resilient agriculture. Journal of Rural Studies 59, 232–241. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Talis-Tisenkopfs/publication/314162826_Local_and_farmers%27_knowledge_matters_How_integrating_informal_and_formal_knowledge_enhances_sustainable_and_resilient_agriculture/links/5a42a4b4458515f6b04fd4b2/Local-and-farmers-knowledge-matters-How-integrating-informal-and-formal-knowledge-enhances-sustainable-and-resilient-agriculture.pdf (link)
  3. Whatmore, Sarah J. 2009. Mapping knowledge controversies: Science, democracy and the redistribution of expertise. Progress in Human Geography 33(5):587-598. Available at: https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= (link)


  1. Maguire, P., 1987. Doing Participatory Research: A Feminist Approach. Center for International Education, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA. Available at: https://scholarworks.umass.edu/cie_participatoryresearchpractice/6/ (link)
  2. Morgan, D. (2007) ‘Paradigms lost and pragmatism regained: Methodological implications of combining qualitative and quantitative methods’, Journal of Mixed Methods Research 1(1): 1-48. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/240730449_Paradigms_Lost_and_Pragmatism_Regained_Methodological_Implications_of_Combining_Qualitative_and_Quantitative_Methods (link)
  3. Schiellerup, P. (2008), Stop making sense: the trials and tribulations of qualitative data analysis. Area, 40: 163-171.  Available at: https://www.eci.ox.ac.uk/publications/downloads/schiellerup08_stopmaking.pdf (link)
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