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  • General


    Welcome guest user! 
    Thank you for choosing to interact with our online learning platform, we hope you enjoy your visit!

    About iHEN

    The Interdisciplinary Hub Education Network or iHEN is the One Health Poultry Hub online learning platform. Using Moodle to provide courses, resources, and online learning to Hub members and the wider One Health Poultry Hub community.
    In this guest area, you will find information on the One Health Poultry Hub; who we are, and what we do. You will also be able to view several open-access resources hosted on iHEN and links to external resources such as the Hub blog 'Chicken Nuggets'.

    • Guest Accessible Resources

      There are currently two online resources available for guest access on iHEN.

      image of person wearing PPE looking into a microscope

      Biological sampling Methodology (link)This is the resources page for One Health Poultry Hub Work Programme Documents for P2. The research protocols for Host - Pathogen Interaction Dynamics work are provided here.

      image of two chicken sitting on a perch
      Campylor Bactor Presentation (link)- In this video presentation Dr Richard Stabler (LSHTM) gives an overview of the planned Hub research activities related to Campylobacter


      Online LearningExternal Resources